Bobby Gaston is the owner of C.N. Brown Plastics, Inc.
Since joining the ranks of C.N. Brown Plastics, Inc. a quarter century ago, Bobby has been
paramount in developing and leading the company’s extraordinary growth. Under his guidance
and leadership, the company has grown into a premier chemicals and plastics company in the
United States and abroad.
Bobby started his career in the chemical industry in 1978 with McKesson Chemical Company as
a Sales Representative. Upon the sale of McKesson Chemical Company to Van Waters and
Rogers Chemical Corporation, Bobby worked his way up to being named, in 1990, as the Branch
Manager of the Augusta, Georgia distribution factory. Under his guidance, he received many
accolades including the prestigious Van Water and Rogers Salesman of the Year for the United
States. Additionally, under his direction, the Augusta, Georgia branch was recognized as the
most outstanding chemical distribution and service center nationwide.
In 1994, Bobby purchased a minority interest in C.N. Brown Plastics, Inc. and started the
company’s Chemical Distribution Division. While managing and growing the Chemical
Distribution Division, he co-currently worked within the company’s Plastics Division, building a
strong knowledge foundation of the plastics industry. At the turn of the century, and the selling
of the company’s Chemical Distribution Division to Georgia based Colonial Oil Company in
2002, Bobby turned his attention solely to growing the company’s already strong Plastics
Division. After the company reintroduced the Chemical Distribution Division in 2008, Bobby
was chiefly responsible for the company’s expansion into offering new plasticizer products,
additives, expanding warehousing capabilities, and expanding the customer and supplier base
across the United States and abroad.
On January 1, 2018, Bobby purchased C.N. Brown Plastics, Inc., becoming the sole owner of the
company. Under his short tenure as owner, the company has expanded on their already strong
history including moving the main office from North Augusta, South Carolina to a large, multi-
purpose facility in Evans, Georgia.
A native of Wadley, Georgia, Bobby received a bachelor’s degree in Outdoor Recreation from
Georgia Southern University. Bobby is married to Robin and have two children, Sam and
Elizabeth. In his spare time, Bobby competes as a professional bass fisherman, trains bird dogs
(specifically English Pointers), and enjoys duck, quail, and dove hunting.